
Upcoming Events - Original

Speaking Engagements
& Events


Lisa Prince and Lisa Baiocchi (The “Lisas”) are both sought-after speakers on a broad spectrum of workplace safety topics including Cal/OSHA inspections and the appeals process.

They present an annual update on the law for a number of safety groups and have also been retained to provide in-house, topic specific presentations for clients’ management and/or employees. 

If your group or company would also like to benefit from a presentation by one of the Lisas, please contact Steff at 707.978.7900 or to discuss options.  


Speaking Engagements

How is Cal/OSHA Enforcing its COVID-19 Guidance? Important Updates

September 1, 2020 @ 11:30 AM-1:00pm

Webinar details provided at sign-up
Speaker: Lisa Prince and Lisa Baiocchi; The Prince Firm
Organization: American Society of Safety Professionals - San Francisco Chapter
Description: Cal/OSHA is our in force, and it is not just consultative visits. The Division is enforcing COVID-19 protocols and procedures, despite o specific COVID-19 regulations. We will discuss how the Division is already actively citing Employers for failure to comply with its guidance, and how you can be prepared for a visit from Cal/OSHA as it relates to COVID-19.


Strange Bedfellows: The Interplay Between Cal and Federal OSHA

August 13, 2020 - 2:00-3:00 pM

Speaker: Lisa Prince; Matthew Deffebach of HaynesBoone
Organization: RILA’s 2020 Retail Asset Protection Webinar Series
Description: To what extent does adherence with Federal OSHA guidelines insulate your stores against claims by Cal/OSHA? Seasoned OSHA attorneys will explain the nuances of state and federal compliance and share tips for satisfying these often misunderstood standards. And, you’ll get anunparalleled look into what’s on OSHA’s short term agenda so you can take proactive steps to avoid citations. Be sure to join this interactive discussion prepared to benchmark with other retail safety practitioners on all things California.


“Cal/OSHA: Where Do We Go From Here?”

October 29, 2020 @ 10:00 aM

Rio Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Speaker: Lisa Baiocchi
Organization: American Water Works Association / California-Nevada Section Fall Conference
More info:
Description: Attendees will be updated on the latest Cal/OSHA regulatory updates, as well as enforcement actions and trends. The lecture will also address Cal/OSHA’s Process Safety Management requirements and current inspection and enforcement tactics, as they relate to water treatment and related processes. Only California related topics will be discussed.


Cal/OSHA:  It’s Been Quite a Year

December 15th, 2020 @ 11:30 am

Scott’s Seafood Bar & Grill / Jack London Square 2 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607
Speaker: Lisa Baiocchi / Co-presenter Robert Moutrie, Cal Chamber
Organization: ASSP Construction Section December meeting
Description: It was a year that none of us expected.  How did Cal/OSHA respond?  We will discuss all that was, and wasn’t, and as always, a few war stories thrown in for good measure.


Other Events

Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board Monthly Meeting

june 18, 2020 @ 10:00 AM

Teleconference only, check OSHSB website for details.
Organization: Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board
More Info: OSHSB Meeting Schedules
Details: In advance of the meeting: Stakeholders who wish to comment on agenda items may submit a request to be added to the public comment queue by emailing Please be sure to include your name, affiliation and comment topic within the email.

During the meeting: You can submit your name, affiliation and comment topic to, make a request to speak via WebEx "Chat" function, or dial 916-274-5721 to be placed in the queue for public comment.

NOTE: In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, Board Members will participate via Teleconference


Speaking Endorsement


I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa Prince back in 2002 when I just joined the County of Santa Clara as one of its Environmental, Health and Safety Specialists. I have since had many opportunities to invite Lisa to be a speaker and trainer at a number of our countywide Safety Coordinators events for her to share her knowledge, expertise, and “what to dos” to comply with Cal/OSHA and to promote workplace safety for our workforce. SUCCESS! I highly endorse Lisa, her team, and their legal work provided to clients.
— Tyler Nguyen, Principal Safety & Environmental Compliance Specialist Office of the County Executive County of Santa Clara